Conservation North is a 100% volunteer-run community group based in Prince George, British Columbia (BC), traditional territory of the Lheidli T’enneh. We support and advocate for the protection of wild plants, animals and their habitats in northern BC.


A future where the variety and abundance of British Columbia’s native species, and the natural communities they comprise, are healthy and secure, and valued by all.


To advocate for the maintenance and protection of critical natural habitats capable of, and necessary for, maintaining long term regional biological diversity. To recognize and promote the fundamental importance of natural landscapes as living sources of adaptation to climatic and other environmental change.


1. Full legal protection for remaining primary forests in the Inland and Boreal Rainforests, particularly the accessible areas currently targeted by industrial logging.

2. Recognition of the values of primary forest beyond timber, including carbon storage, climate change resilience, cultural values, biodiversity, food, medicine and clean water.

3. A just transition away from the industrial harvest of primary forest and towards second-growth forestry.


Conservation North:

  1. values the voices of women and elders;
  2. values honesty, humility and the recognition of uncertainty;
  3. respects traditional knowledge;
  4. collaborates with First Nations communities, in particular women, elders and youth;
  5. collaborates with other community groups;
  6. applies scientific rigour;
  7. takes a non-anthropocentric approach to conservation; recognizes that natural communities and the organisms they support have intrinsic value, outside of any human use; and
  8. respects our home, northern BC.